Having an innovative idea is one thing, but how can you protect it?

Basically, you cannot protect an idea or concept. The practical result of an idea on the other hand, may be protected by copyright or design right.

When you have a good idea, it is always wise to elaborate and capture your idea. This way you can prove that you were the ‘first’ to come up with this idea. Especially when you have the intention to talk to third parties about the possibilities to implement your idea. There are various options and we can advise you on this topic!


An idea as such cannot be protected, the practical implementation of an idea may be protectable under copyright or design law.

Meet our experts
  • "The mix of customers, brands and trademark law makes this job irresistible. All three continuously develop faster and faster, with globalization and the Internet as extra dimensions."
  • "Working with brands remains special to me. It always makes me a little proud when I see ‘my’ brands in everyday life, knowing that they are properly registered."
  • "I’m very enthusiastic about working in this field and I help customers with issues on intellectual property."