The search will give you information about possible prior conflicting trademarks and whether or not you may expect objections.
A search avoids unpleasant situations, such as investing in a new trademark to find out that someone else has older rights and that you have to stop using the trademark.
There are different ways of searching: from a strictly identical search up to a full availability search including not just identical but also similar trademarks.
A first quick scan for identical trademarks is always free of charge!
This is a search for trademarks that are identical to the trademark to be investigated. Often an identical search is used to get a first impression of the position of the new trademark.
A full search includes identical and similar to such an extent that they may form an obstacle.
Yes. This is possible, although not advisable because you run the risk of someone objecting to your trademark because of the resemblance. This can be quite unpleasant.
Yes, it is possible to conduct logo research.
Yes. We perform searches in all countries where trademarks can be registered.