Trademark protection

Your trademark is a valuable asset that represents the quality and reputation of your company.

The investments in your trademark and the acquired goodwill should therefore be protected. Make sure that you do not forget to register your trademark. Registration is the most effective way to maintain exclusivity and to prevent others from using your trademark. Together with you we ensure proper protection.


Without registration you will have no trademark rights and it will be difficult to take action against others using the same or a similar trademark.

A trademark right is the only right that may last forever. All other rights such as patents, designs and copyright will end. A trademark registration however can be renewed for another period of 10 years indefinitely.The only condition is that the trademark is used.

A trademark can be a word, a logo, a device, a slogan but also packaging or its design. Registration of colours and shapes is also possible and, although this is more complex, there are more options than you might think.

The costs for a trademark registration are relatively low compared to for instance patent protection. The average duration of a trademark registration is 10 years.

Meet our experts
  • "The mix of customers, brands and trademark law makes this job irresistible. All three continuously develop faster and faster, with globalization and the Internet as extra dimensions."
  • "Working with brands remains special to me. It always makes me a little proud when I see ‘my’ brands in everyday life, knowing that they are properly registered."
  • "I’m very enthusiastic about working in this field and I help customers with issues on intellectual property."